Middle School Newsletter 1.9.2023

Winter break always seems to come and go so quickly and I tend to find it both exhausting and relaxing. This is such a welcomed time where I enjoy spending time with those I am closest to. I can say that this year, I made time for some much needed relaxing and reflection. I am not one who sets New Year resolutions every year. Typically I find that I set goals throughout the year. The past few years I have decided I would choose a word to guide my intentions for the upcoming year. 

Choosing my word takes some thought.  What is going to inspire me when life gets tough and I am exhausted?  Then it came to me...JOY. It absolutely made sense that my word for 2023 is JOY. As I mentioned earlier in the year we are focusing on bringing JOY back into the classroom for our students and for ourselves. Research proves that joy boosts our immune systems, fights stress and pain, and improves our chance of living a longer life. Being joyful could quite literally add years to life! As a team we will celebrate our wins…big and small!

As we enter the second half of our school year, I am eager to see students continue to push themselves to do their best. During the second semester we tend to see motivation dip. There are a number of factors: being cooped up due to cold weather, content rigor increases, spring fever and now we can add this never ending pandemic. Regardless of the reason, students need our encouragement and support to persevere through their struggles. We should all be asking them, “Did you do your best?” everyday. Some days this will be easy for them but on the hard days they need us to remind them why it is so important. Please continue to have these critical conversations with your child as these are skills that will greatly impact their future.

If you had to choose a word to inspire or guide your year what would it be? I have asked many friends, colleagues and family members the same question. I love hearing their responses and the reasons behind them. Take some time and talk with your child and see what his or her word is for 2023.  If you decide on your word and would like to share, I would love to hear from you. I am really looking forward to 2023 and all the great experiences it is going to bring us!

Như mọi khi, đừng ngần ngại tiếp cận với bất kỳ câu hỏi hoặc mối quan tâm nào. 

Vui lòng


314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org  


Report Cards:

Report cards will be sent home on Wednesday, January 11th.   If you have any questions and want to speak to your child’s teacher feel free to reach out and make an appointment. 


Premier Charter School’s re-enrollment process begins today.  We use this data to determine how many students will be pulled for each grade level in our upcoming lottery.  

Your response with this form secures or declines your student’s spot at Premier Charter School for the 2023-2024 school year.

Click here to submit your household's re-enrollment.

Please complete by Friday, January 13th, and remember to list every student currently attending PCS from your household.

** Not completing this form will be considered a decline for next school year. **

If you have any questions regarding the re-enrollment process, please reach out to eobrien@premiercharterschool.org.

Invitation to serve on the PCS Health and Wellness Committee:

The PCS Health and Wellness Committee is a group of PCS parents/guardians, staff members and other stakeholders who meet every few months to discuss matters concerning the programs that PCS offers for our students and families that impact their wellness as part of our community.  We are looking to reorganize this group for an upcoming meeting in early February and are reaching out to anyone who may be interested in participating.  Your involvement would require two or three meetings after school this year that would last about an hour.  If you are interested or just have questions about the committee, please contact Mr. Doyle at kdoyle@premiercharterschool.org

Upcoming Dates:

  •  January 11- Report cards sent home

  • January 12- Board Meeting

  • January 16- No School

  • January 27- No School


Kim Wright M.Ed. LPC, RPT

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Supporting the curious and empowered learner since 2000

National School of Character


Early Childhood Newsletter 1.17.2023

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Tiếp theo

Elementary School Newsletter 1.9.2023