Middle School Newsletter - January 31st, 2022

I think we can all agree that the past year and a half have brought on difficulties for everyone. During difficult times it is very easy to focus on all the struggles and lose sight of any successes. I could share data that shows how our children have been impacted both academically and socially/emotionally. However, I think we all need to stop for a moment and acknowledge all of the extraordinary accomplishments of our children. 

Last year one of our middle school teachers, Mrs. McAdams-Velten, shared the following post on her Instagram account:

Nhưng nghiêm túc đấy...

Everyone worried about kids falling behind, stop. They are building skills that we never had, skills that we are still working on. They are the most resilient, flexible, patient, and understanding generation. This challenge is one that they are meeting and overcoming. I could not be more impressed with today’s youth. (And a shout out to the grown-ups that keep encouraging and motivating, I know it’s hard, I see you too).

As I often do, I “liked” the post and moved on. Later I found myself thinking about the resounding message in her post. A message that is full of positivity and acknowledgment. It was then that I stopped and truly reflected on our kids' successes. During this time I was overwhelmed with feelings of pride. 

Our middle school students spent close to a year and a half at home and then transitioned (oftentimes very difficult) back to being in person and working with one another.. They are meeting the high expectations of their teachers by producing exemplary work. They have shown all of us,  and themselves, that they can be organized, creative, dedicated, and resilient. They are not only juggling their schoolwork but also the impact this pandemic has had on their emotional well-being. 

Hãy dành một chút thời gian để nói với con bạn rằng bạn tự hào về chúng như thế nào.  Hãy cho họ biết rằng khả năng cho tương lai của họ là vô tận. Chúng ta cần phải thừa nhận rằng họ đang phải đối mặt với những thách thức mà chúng ta không phải vượt qua khi chúng ta bằng tuổi họ. Và quan trọng nhất, chúng ta không bao giờ được để họ cảm thấy như họ đang trên hành trình này một mình. Cùng nhau, chúng ta có thể tiếp tục dành cho con cái của chúng ta tất cả tình yêu và sự hỗ trợ mà chúng rất cần và xứng đáng.

Như mọi khi, đừng ngần ngại tiếp cận với bất kỳ câu hỏi hoặc mối quan tâm nào. 

Vui lòng


314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org   

Upcoming Dates:

  • February 17- Earthquake Drill

  • February 18- No School

  • February 21- No School

  • February 28-Spring IReady Assessment Window opens


Early Childhood Newsletter - February 7th, 2022

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Tiếp theo

Elementary School Newsletter - January 31st, 2022